
Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Friends that turn into Family, and Family that become Friends!

Mike and I are so very blessed to have many people that make our lives special. Probably the best part about planning and having a wedding along with wedding related events is seeing people that you love. Some of these people you don't get to see all of the time; some of them you see every single day, but it doesn't make any person more special than the next.
We are so fortunate to have a GREAT group of friends who are always supportive, not to mention a good time! Now that I am down to only one job, I have a lot more free time on the weekends to spend with these people near and dear to my heart. Sooo fun!
We had such an easy time choosing our bridal party because of how much these people mean to us! I would like to formally introduce you to our bridal party!

My sisters Rosie (above left) and Molly (above middle) are my Maids of Honor. I chose them because they're both my sisters and I just couldn't pick one over the other! Rosie is nearing 18 and will be a senior at Mount Assisi Academy in the fall. She loves music and going to concerts but mostly loves shopping with me! Molly just graduated 8th grade and is 13 years old. She'll be attending Mount Assisi along with Rosie in the fall. I'm going to have them have different dresses or flowers or something to make them stand out as Maids of Honor. They will both walk down the aisle with the best man.

Our best man is Mike's best friend, Joe Sceerey and boyfriend of one of my bridesmaids Laura Kilbride. The story of how Mike and Joe officially met involves lots of liquor in the dorms my freshman year in college. But basiscally, their brothers from another mother.

My cousin Megan McGovern (above right with my sister Molly) is a bridesmaid as well! She just graduated from Montini High School and is going to Loras College in the fall to study Special Education. Not only is Megan family, but she's one of my closest friends!

This cute couple represents a bridesmaid and a groomsmen! Vicky and I went to high school together (MAA 05!) and Kevin is her boyfriend. Kevin and Mike have become really good friends over the past couple of years and they are one of our favorite couples! Vicky just graduated from Lewis University with a degree in English with a teacher certification. She'll be teaching summer school at Mount Assisi in a couple of weeks! Kevin is currently attending Lewis.

Laura Kilbride (yes, Joe Sceerey's gf) and I met in the dorms freshman year at NIU. We lived together Sophomore and Senior year and she is an '09 graduate in Sociology. She currently works in Accounts Recieveable at Stonewall Inc. Laura is a bridesmaid!

Krista is also a college friend from NIU, also lived on the same floor freshman year and I lived with her and Laura sophomore and senior year! Krista is a '10 graduate with an Elementary Education degree who, despite graduating, still enjoys long walks on the beach and a stiff drink. (Just kidding Krista!) Krista is also a bridesmaid in our October wedding!

My brother Jim will be joining the groomsmen. He just finished freshman year at Marquette University where he is involved in a radio show called "Marquette Metal."

My youngest brother Marc (lovingly referred to as "Choodles") is also going to be joining the groomsmen. Marc is 14 and will be sophomore at Mount Carmel High School in the fall. Marc enjoys playing lacrosse, xbox, and humoring me by joining me in board game fun.

Tim Wolf is also one our friends from my freshman year at NIU. However, much to my dismay he didn't actually attend NIU, just hung out there every weekend. Not dismay, delight! Above picture is Tim trying to steal someone's car at Dark Lord Day '10 which he attended with groomsmen Jim and Joe, as well as my father and Mike. Tim currently works at a green house in Hampshire, Il.

Finally, Tim M. is a friend from college as well. Him and Mike have bonded over many things including but not limited to good beer, computers, and sweet cars. Fun Fact: Tim actually went to high school with bridesmaid Laura. We're just all connected in the circle of life!


And there you have it people! Thank you for allowing me to share some of my favorite people with you! We cannot hardly contain our constant excitment for the night of 10.10.10 because Mike and I know that chaos and fun will ensue. One last picture just for fun, because my family makes up over half of the bridal party. We're loud and crazy, there's 5 of us and we wouldn't have it any other way! As we get older, our personalities are more and more apparent as featured in this picture.

From left: Marc "The Chill Dude", Rosie "Giggles", Jim "I support this Picture", Kelly "The Diva" and Molly "Mini Diva".


  1. first of all i would like to say that you have failed to correctly identify the name of my place of employment **stone wheel is where i work and spend most of my time, and secondly i love that juddles is in the background of my picture

    love you and your blog,

  2. Editor Correction: Laura Kilbride works at StoneWHEEL Inc. And Judd-sy is not part of the wedding party as he is an angry asian. I apologize for the misprint.
