
Thursday, June 10, 2010

4 Month Mark!

Ahh! Four months already? It seems like minutes ago that Mike and I started dating! But no, 5 years ago! Wow, I'm old!

We have so many exciting wedding related things coming up this week; the most exciting of all that is not even related to our wedding! (We will be doing invitations on Sunday, and some craft projects in between! Will update later!)

Saturday, June 12, 2010 we're attending the wedding of our good friends, Brandon and Herminia.

Photography by Nick Gerber

I met Herminia through my roommate from freshman year at NIU. We pretty much clicked immediatly when we found out common ground - We were both engaged! After being at a couple mutual parties and seeing each other multiple times we figured out everything else we had in common; English majors, love for writing, passion for fashion, larger (ahem) busoms. It was friendship at first site.

More recently, we've been making our boys go on double dates with us but it's not very difficult because Brandon and Mike get along swimmingly. Brandon and Herminia are just great people, great friends, that we are so lucky to have in our lives.

Throughout this whirlwind of wedding planning, Herminia and I have shared notes. We've taken ideas from each other, gone registering together, and share our wedding coordinator and DJ! I attended her bachelorette party a few weeks back and met all of her bridal party and friends. Herminia's sisters and friends are such a great group of girls! I cannot wait to see them at the wedding!!

I am beyond excited to see how all of their ideas have come together for their wedding. I'm sure she's stressing out like no other, but I know everything will be beautiful!

Of course both Mike and I are running around trying to get our outfits together, make sure we have a card, and work on transportation for Saturday but hopefully I will have pictures to post soon.

B & H: We are sooo excited! You guys are such the perfect couple and I am honored to share in your nuptuals! I can't wait to see how beautiful you look Herminia, but I'm sure Brandon is the most anxious of all! See you Saturday, love you!

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