
Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Yes, I Googled.

I'll be the first to admit it: I am a Google fiend. If someone went through and checked my daily "googles" I'm sure there would be many, and they would be obscure.
Because sometimes I'm just sitting here at work and think of something I would like to know the answer to. And away I click and type.
Today's topic of googling was "Changing Name After Wedding" because I'm clueless! Part of the reason I have a wedding planner is because I've never been in a wedding, my mom never had a wedding so I have no immediate experience or help! So, I felt pretty silly after googling this topic, however I also found it very insightful. Because as we start getting closer to the big day, I am realizing how many things and different documentation I am going to have to change.
And while I'm on the topic, I know that not everyone changes to their husbands name after the wedding. Yes, I thought about keeping my name but that's what I have brothers for! And besides, I'm keeping the same initials and my new last name is very similar. Plus, bonus points for how cute "Kelly Connolly" sounds! :)
But my goodness! what a process it is! From my understanding, the first step is to actually get married (ha!) and order a couple copies of the marriage certificate. From there, you must fill out paperwork requesting a new Social Security card. Then, hit up the DMV for a new driver's license. Next, gotta order checks, credit cards, business cards etc. with the new name. Car registration and car insurance will also need to know of your new married name. The post office wants to know, but that will go along with us moving. But I think the biggest hassle of all will be changing everything at work. Do I change my email because it is It only makes sense right? But what about all the people who know my old email? I think I'll keep the email the same and perhaps just add my new last name next to my old one in my signature. And for payment purposes, I'll have to submit my new S.S. card to my employer. So there's a process and it all seems to begin and end with Social Security. Go figure.

Of course I'm excited to change to my new name, but I hope I'm still recognizable as...well, myself.

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