
Monday, May 17, 2010

Let's start at the very beginning....

Since I was about 9 years old, I dreamed of my wedding day. White dresses, sparkles, flowers, all eyes on you. What more could a girl ask for!?
Now that we are less than 5 months away from the big day, I've started to freak out slightly. Which is why I decided I needed an outlet of some sort and since I'm a natural born writer - BOOM! Hello blogs!
We have most of the larger details figured out. Fall wedding, black and white formal affair, perfect date (10/10/10)!
Mike and I have been dating since 2005. No, seriously! We met in 2004, while still in high school and wound up reconnecting when I was at NIU. (Mike went to UTI.) And the rest is history; it really is! The next 80 years with the same person? And you're only 23? Dumb questions if you ask me. To us, this is it. Once you find love, you never turn back.

Our special day will begin with an afternoon ceremony at St. Patrick's Church in Lemont, IL. I recieved all of my sacraments at St. Pat's and attended grade school there from 5th-8th grade.
I really think it is a beautiful church, just blocks from my home and we're so excited to have a brand new priest, Fr. Kurt Boras, marry us! Next on our list is Pre-Cana which I'm sure will be an interested day!

Because our reception (at the Hyatt Lisle) is literally steps away from the Morton Arboretum in Lisle, we will venture there for pictures following the ceremony. I am OBSESSED with our photographer, Cristina of Cristina G Photo ( so naturally I cannot wait for the picture portion of the day. (More on Cristina later!)

The Hyatt Lisle is a beautiful setting for our wedding reception. Very elegant

As beautiful as everything *hopes* to be, I am about ready to rip my hair out! It's a mix of anxiety, nerves, and expectations! Luckily we have the amazing Shannon Helmig of ShannonGail Weddings and Events on our side! She has been awesome through all of my "mini crisises" and very calm which I am sure she will be on the day of!

Stay tuned, I will have plenty more updates throughout the next 5 months! Honestly, as nervous and anxious as I am, I cannot wait to share this day with friends and family and most importantly, the love of my life, Michael Connolly!

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