
Monday, May 17, 2010

"I'm a dancing machine"- quoted bride.

I feel like most of you should already know this. I don't know why I am going to try to explain because I think you actually have to witness it to understand.
I danced in high school, I danced at a studio, I danced at parties, I dance on tables, I dance on Wednesdays, I break dance, I clog dance, I Irish jig dance, I ballet dance, I belly dance, I give guiDANCE. (Literally, I am an Advisor! haha)
Basically, if you're shocked, you don't know me very well. But it should come as no surprise that the MOST important wedding aspect to me is the music.
Music is essential to a party. And I don't take very kindly to people who try to undermine me when it comes to music. For example.....

We had a party on Fotis when I was in college. All of our parties were themed; this party was near the end of the year and it was "Cleaning out the Booze closet." Typical college town, some randoms showed up at our townhouse. And we don't take lightly to randoms because we had a purse stolen in the beginning of the year. Rewind: basically at all of our parties I controlled the music as I have killer speakers and an iPod with generally every genre. Then, Jesus showed up. Well, a guy who had a Jesus beard, loafers, and a love for Lil' Wayne.

I generally make appropriate playlists and just let them roll as the party goes on. If there are specific requests, I try to honor them and I also take note of my audience.
Jesus wanted to play Lil' Wayne so he decided to climb up to where I had put the speakers and my iPod (out of reach mind you!) and hooked up his own ipod. I realized this and kindly informed him that, no, this was not okay party behavior. I told him he could play 2 songs and then he was done.
Long story short, we got in a fight and I kicked him out of the party because he would not stop after the 2 songs, was touching my iPod, and my expensive speakers and I flipped.

Mine and Mike's love of music is why and how we stumbled upon Toast and Jam DJ's. Upon reading their reviews on Yelp, we knew they were the dj's for us. They have a no frills, no cheese policy. Read: no electric slide (although I am a fan....embarrasingly) no terrible strobe lights, just good music.
We met with Kate and Rachel who will be our DJ's on October 10. They ROCK! They co-host Kate and Rachel's Old Style Show in Chicago. They really listened to our style and what kind of music we like. When talking with them I said, "Okay see the thing is, I'm a dancing machine" and Rachel immediatly wrote the quote down and put next to it "bride said this." Ha! They have no idea who they're messing with but I WILL NOT be leaving the dance floor until it's time to go home!

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