
Tuesday, December 21, 2010

We're Married!

Wow, I feel like it was forever ago that I started this planning blog as an outlet to my frustrations! Two (almost 3 months) later, we're married and happily settling in. Obviously there are some adjustments to be made when moving in together for the first time so I've compiled a list of "Do's and Don'ts" and short anecdotes of our process!

* DO communicate about the move in process. We did pretty well on this one actually. We have similar tastes in furnishings, although my opinions are probably stronger than his. A little bit of ying, a little bit of yang and we're good to go!

* DON'T forget to be understanding. The day we started moving our stuff in (before the wedding) Mike started getting all excited and offering ideas such as "bean bag chairs instead of couches" and "where can I hang my Guinness wall mirror?" I had to keep in mind that this was the first time he had his own space/place. He had lived with his parents previously, (as did I but I had a couple college apartments) and this was the first time he was being creative with his decor. I had to approach this situation with caution letting him know that while yes, honey it is both of our space, it was not nor would it ever be a bachelor pad with bar lights and bean bag chairs.

* IT'S OKAY if you don't put everything in a spot right away. We didn't find places for some things until much after the wedding. As you accumulate "stuff" you figure out storage for everything. Nothing needs to be immediate, just enjoy the time together.

* MAKE SURE to keep the TV out of the bedroom. It's for sleeping. Among other things. (Hey! We're married!)

*DON'T FEEL obligated to answer people's dumb questions about when you're going to have children. If you do feel so obliged to respond, make it quirky so that people know it's not an appropriate questions to ask. "So when are the babies!?" "So when are you going to (get a job/grow up/stop asking stupid questions/GET MARRIED?) I enjoy answering absurd questions with another question. Tip for wedding process: When people ask you if you're nervous (it seems to be a reaction of some sort for people who don't know what to talk about) simply respond "About what?" acting puzzled OR "No, if I was, I wouldn't be getting married...."

* DO write thank you notes for EVERYTHING! People appreciate them, and you're more likely to get thank you's in return. I even once wrote a thank you to my mother's cousin who came to my college graduation party and stated in front of everyone, "My family doesn't believe in giving gifts or having parties for college graduates because you should be making good money at that point." So, I wrote her a thank you card for coming to the party. Thank you's always make people feel bad if you write them correctly.

*DO buy an awesome couch. Let's face it, you spend most of your time on it. And those of you saying you don't, you're lying. It's called the living room for a reason.

*DO celebrate your first holiday as a married couple! We're so excited, we put up our little itty bitty tree that leans to the left and some decorations throughout the house. I love Christmas, so I'm glad we got married so close to the holidays that we still like each other.

*ABSOLUTELY DO go on a honeymoon. Even if it's a mini-moon. We have such fond memories of Seattle. Even though we didn't go to Fiji or Mexico (which would have been amazing!) we had so much fun spending time with just us, going with the flow, and doing whatever we wanted. *DON'T pack too many activities into your honeymoon, however. Just enjoy each other's company. Wherever you go, you'll have a great time and make the best memories, even if it's just to the hotel down the street.

*DON'T WORRY be happy.

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