
Monday, May 23, 2011


My mother has 5 sisters and 2 sisters-in-law meaning I have 7 very wise women constantly giving me advice - wanted and unwanted. The best thing about advice, however, is that you can politely listen and politely decline the advice if you feel it does not apply. If you feel you cannot be polite, just keep your big mouth shut. That's what I've learned anyway.

At my bachelorette party, two of these aunts came to me separately saying, "Marriage isn't easy" or "Marriage is hard" or some other variation. Naturally, my "smartness" came out and I replied with a sarcastic "No...really?!" or "I thought it was super easy!" Trust me, I'm nicer than I look.

Not exactly advice, now is it? More of a warning like a tornado watch beeping across your favorite TV during Prime Time. Slightly annoying, breaking up your plans.

I take everything with a grain of sand because of my laid-back attitude. I get it from my dad, but it meshes well with Mike's constant worrying.

So this got me reflecting: first year of marriage - hard or easy? Everytime we run into someone we don't see very often the first question is always, "how's married life?!" I'd like to know the proper response to this question. I always say, "Good" or "Great." But I often wonder if anyone is saying "Wow, it's harder than I thought!"

Marriage is hard if you make it that way. We've now been married a little over 7 months and the only thing I find hard is finding time for eachother. We really don't fight unless it's about how little we see each other, or if we're frustrated from work.

We joke and we're both very sarcastic. I can't stand that his socks seem to multiply overnight and find themselves in every nook and cranny of my house. He harps on me for my hair dryer + curling iron(s) + flat iron + roller set cords being all over the bathroom, in addition to my many products in the shower. But both of those arguments are to be expected when you first start living with someone!

Marriage isn't hard. Hard implies it's a part-time job. It's not easy, but what in life is actually easy?! My advice is to cuddle, cook, and cancel. Cancel plans and don't overfill your plate of life or you'll find yourself not being able to spend enough time together. Sneak in extra time with each other whether its carpooling to work or waking up early to have breakfast together.

But DO NOT forget about your alone time. You don't need it ALL of the time, but every now and then it's a good idea to go out with friends, see your family by yourself, or watch Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone while drinking an entire bottle of red wine and polishing off the chocolate gelato. Not that I did that....

Happy Monday!